1/2/3.    Screen Backgrounds and Audio
There are two ways to define your screen backgrounds and audio files.

- Basic: Basic Mode will use the default background screens and audio files.
- Advanced Configuration: Advanced Mode gives you more control over which screens and audio files you want to use.

1. In Advanced Configuration, you can define the location of each individual screen background as well as select which screens have audio prompts.

2. You can enable separate screen backgrounds and audio prompts for each of the Capture and Review Screens. For example, instead of each shot saying "Get Ready" and "Nice Shot", you can have different messages for each photo. With this enabled, you must label the extra screens as follows:

Shot 1 is the original name:

Shot 1 BG-Capture.png
Shot 2 BG-Capture-2.png
Shot 3 BG-Capture-3.png

The audio files work the same way:

Shot 1 Audio-Capture.png
Shot 2 Audio-Capture-2.png

Shot 3 Audio-Capture-3.png

The default screen backgrounds are located in the Assets folder of the Social Booth install folder, usually in C:\Program Files (x86)\Photo Booth Solutions\Social Booth\Assets\Backgrounds.

The default audio prompts are located in the Assets folder of the Social Booth install folder, usually in C:\Program Files (x86)\Photo Booth Solutions\Social Booth\Assets\Audio.

It's not recommended to overwrite the default files. If you would like to customize the screens or the audio prompts, copy them to a new folder and enter the locations in #2 and #3, or define the location of specific files using advanced mode.

By using different folders for your backgrounds and saving the settings as different events, you can easily customize the look of the booth for each event.

4.    Buttons Folder

Select the location where your buttons are located. Social Booth expects the files to be named the same way as they are in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Photo Booth Solutions\Social Booth\Assets\Buttons folder. Social Booth will look for flash files first and then PNG files.


5.    Photo Start
This is what the user touches on the "Touch To Start" screen to start a photo session.

- Button: This is the default button that Social Booth displays. You can swap this out with your own button in the C:\Users\Mike\Projects\PhotoboothSoft\SocialBooth\Director\Assets\Buttons folder. The file name and size should rename the same.
- Hotspot: If you don't want to use the default button or would like to make a more complex start screen layout, you can embed the button in your Start screen background and define a hotspot that will trigger the photo session. You can make the whole screen hot by making the size 1920x1080 at location 0,0.

Note: Coordinates for the hotspots are based on the size of the background, not the size of the monitor resolution. The backgrounds are always 1920x1080.

6.    Video Start

This is what the user touches on the "Touch To Start" screen to start a Video Session.

  • Button: This is the default button that Social Booth displays. You can swap this out with your own button in the C:\SocialBooth\Assets\Buttons folder. The file name and size should rename the same.
  • Hotspot: If you don't want to use the default button or would like to make a more complex start screen layout, you can embed the button in your Start screen background and define a hotspot that will trigger the video session. You can make the whole screen hot by making the size 1920x1080 at location 0,0

    Note: Coordinates for the hotspots are based on the size of the background, not the size of the monitor resolution. The backgrounds are always 1920x1080.

7.    Live View
This setting allows you to customize the size and location of the live view.

  • Default: Social Booth will use a default size and location based on your monitor resolution.
  • Custom: Define your own custom size and location for the live view.

    Note: Custom sizes should be a 3:2 ratio to prevent stretching of the live view. To create a portrait size live view when the camera is on its side, use a 2:3 ratio for the size and position the live view. 

8.    Enable

Enables the live view to start the photo sequence.

9.    Auto Start Live View
This will show the live view in the "Touch to Start" screen. The "Touch for Photo/Video" button will make the live view the button to start a photo or video session. You could also use custom hotspots as described above.

10.    Touch For: Photo or Video

Choose what you would like touching the live view to start. You can choose either photo or video.

11.    Border
This will show a white border around the live view with your defined width.

12.    Display Message at

Display a message for the number of seconds you choose prior to the photo. If you have a 5 second count down and insert 2 seconds here it will appear with 2 seconds prior to the photo being taken.

13.    Back Button

Choose the default position or custom position and size for the back button.

14.    Done Button

Choose the default position or a custom position for the done button.

15.    Preview
Choose the default position or a custom position for the live preview of the photo, GIF or video.

16.    Keyboard
Select between two styles of keyboard that are displayed within Social Booth.

16.    Enable Layout Selection

Enabling this will insert another screen called "Layout" into the the user flow.  This will allow you to do things like let the user choose between templates or language selection.

17.    Display Photo Thumbnails
Display a thumbnail of each photo taken in the session.

18.    Portrait Mode Keyboard Shift Up

Moves keyboard up when in portrait mode.

The Layout Selection screen works off of hotspots and presets or settings. The default example uses the included BG-Layout screen:

As you can see we will be allowing the user to select between a single shot postcard or 4 shot photo strip template. The coordinates of the hotspots for each of the templates are set, and the corresponding template presets are selected. You can make your own Layout.png screen and can define up to 6 hotspots.

The hotspots don't have to load template presets. They can also load entire event settings, so you could set up an event with different background files to enable things like a multi-lingual photo booth.

Layout Selection Configuration



1.    Layout 1-6

Choose the saved layout and selection location for each layout you want included on your selection screen.   

2.    Show Before/After/Instead of Start Screen

Choose when the layout selection screen should appear.     

3.    Loading Text

Add text while the event settings are loading.

Photo Thumbnail Configuration


1.    Starting Position

Choose the starting position for the first thumbnail. You will position the top left corner of the photo.

2.    Width

Select the width of each photo thumbnail.

3.    Spacing

Add space between each thumbnail.

4.    Border

Include a white outline around each photo thumbnail.

5.    Alignment

Choose to have the thumbnails align vertically or horizontally on your screen.